The Hammer Coral (Euphyllia Ancora), also known as the Anchor Coral is one of the most popular LPS corals among reef enthusiasts.
Beautiful colors, different varieties, and multiple shapes. What’s not to like?
Did you know that it gets its name from the hammer shape of its tentacles? Pretty awesome, isn’t it?
One of the many reasons why hobbyists love it so much it’s the fluorescent appearance under actinic lights.
These types of corals come in different color varieties. You can find them with purple or green tentacles and rarely in orange color. However, we can both agree that whether the color, these corals are amazing by themselves.
They inhabit areas of tropical waters all across the Indo Pacific Ocean, mostly at depths of 130 feet. There are two varieties of Hammer Corals. The first ones grow in wall formations and the other ones in branching formations. They are both beautiful, however, with one difference, the branching types grow faster.